www.irpstart.com – How to get financial assistance from Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc.

get financial assistance from Emergency Assistance Foundation inc

During this COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the best and effective way to help your employees to get financial assistance is through Employee Relief Funds. The Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization or charity created with IRS approval specifically design to operate multiple employer-sponsored disaster relief and employee hardship funds, to provide financial assistance to your employee, after an immediate response program is launched.

Whatever the scenario, a sudden disaster, like a flood, hurricane, drought, COVID-19 pandemic, etc. in this unforeseen circumstances, you could be able to stand behind your employee community and could lend a helping hand by giving them the financial assistance in their hardship. This program is 100% tax compliant, and legal. To know more about Emergency Relief funds, you could go through the following article.

What are the benefits of Employee Relief Funds from Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc.:

  • It cut the cost of the emergency fund and provide the most possible dollar to employees in the time of hardship around the world.
  • It simplifies and shortens the time between application and receive of grant
  • They made innovative methods, ideas, and educate employees about the relief fund.
  • It is very easy with Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc. to establish your fund effortlessly and implemented it very quickly.
  • They have professional minds who design programs based on industry’s best practices.
  • They take all the administrative, application, submission, grant payment, review, and all the work related to your employee emergency relief fund so that you don’t need to worry at the time of any emergency.
  • All the information can be retrieved online, so your employees can complete submission, make donations, etc. from the comfort of home at anytime from anywhere.

How this employee emergency relief funds work:

  • First, an employer creates a fund with the Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc. for his employee hardship.
  • Second, the donation could be made from the employee through their payroll deduction or could be made by the employer with the same amount or through a direct contribution from the employer’s foundation or from raising events.
  • Third, the employee who seeks financial assistance will apply for a grant from EAF
  • The Emergency Assistance Foundation will review the application for any qualifying emergency or hardship exists, and collect all the required information and documents.
  • After the final review from the Experts of EAF, they will determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for a grant, established for your company Employee’s relief fund. After the review either they will accept the application or reject it. They will also determine the proper amount for a grant.
  • Grants will be distributed to vendors or the employee applicant following the employer’s guidelines.

How to apply for financial assistance from your company’s Emergency relief funds:

  • To, apply for financial assistance from your company’s Emergency relief funds, you could visit the following page   www.irpstart.com
  • Now, click on your company’s fund name to get started


get financial assistance from Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc

  • After that, you will be asked to enter your “company’s fund access code”


get financial assistance from Emergency Assistance Foundation


  • And, click “Submit”
  • After, authenticating your company fund access code, you could begin your application
  • And, after submission of your final application, your application will be reviewed and you will be acknowledged, whether you qualify for a grant or not.

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If you need further assistance or have any inquiries regarding the Employee emergency relief fund, you could contact the Emergency Assistance Foundation through the following

How to contact Emergency Assistance Foundation Inc.:

  • If you are an employee and seeking for a grant, you could contact EAF through their contact form
  • Or, if you are an Employer and want to establish an emergency relief fund, you could contact through their EAF’s COVID-19 response form.
  • If you need to talk to a representative, you could dial the following number


  • You could email them at the following address


  • And, last but not the least, you could follow EAF through their social media handlers

Linkedin – www.linkedin.com/company/emergencyassistancefoundation/

Twitter – www.twitter.com/EmployeeRelief



Reference :www.irpstart.com


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