Firestick Error Six SOLVE

firestick error six

How to Solve “Firestick Home is Currently Unavailable” Problem in 2021:

If you have encountered Firestick Home is Currently Unavailable, then this guide will help you. Here in this article, we will try to find out what is the reason behind this issue and how to resolve it. If you are using a FireTV device, then you might face this problem.

There are several solutions as for many people the problem is different and that is the reason, a single solution might not work. To check which one is working for you, you have to read this article up to the end.

Why Are You Seeing Home is Currently Unavailable on Fire Stick?

Before going further to the solution section, the first thing you should understand is why this problem happening. As once we know the problem we can easily figure out and fund the working method in no time. As we already mentioned that each person has a different reason behind this problem.

These are some of the common issues which could be the reason why you are facing this problem:

  • Slow Internet Connections: As we know that Fire Stick runs on Wi-Fi, so the slow internet connection could be the reason why you are facing this problem. For that reason, you have to have a good internet connection.
  • Installing Too Many Apps: Fire Sticks usually comes with a total storage of 8GB only. So, if you try to install too many apps then there are chances you may encounter this problem. If you install too many apps on your device, it could lead to lag, glitch, sudden app closing, or else Home is not available.
  • Using Firestick Without Rest: If you use the Fire Stick continuously without giving rest, which could be the reason behind this problem. If you keep this device for a long period, then your device could overheat and feel choppy as well.

How to Fix the Problem of Firestick “Home is Current Unavailable”:

As we understand the reasons behind this error, it will be easier to solve the problem. So, depending on the method, you can check the method. In this way, if the method is not working, then you can try the second method and you can surely fix the problem.

You can use these methods securely. It would not harm your device or do anything like that. These are the following method that you can use to find the Home Is Currently Unavailable on your Fire Stick device:

Restart Your Device:

The first and reliable solution is just restarting your Fire Stick. By performing this activation, you will clear all the RAM of your device, and also it will remove the cache files as well. The cache files may take some space on your device, which may cause the Home Unavailable issue.

You have several options to restart your Fire Stick device. You can just go to the Settings and then My FireTV and then click on the Restart option. If the device is not responding or stuck, then the only option is to force the reboot.

In order to force reboot your device, you have to press and hold the Up-navigation key and Play Pause key at the same time. After you hold the button for a few seconds, you will get a message on your screen saying Your Fire Stick 4K is Powering Off.

Also Read: Factory Reset a Roku Device

Check the Internet or Restart Router:

If the first method does not fix your problem then the problem might be with your internet connection. You can try by restarting your router and then connecting to the Wi-Fi again now see if the Home Screen loads are not.

If still, it doesn’t resolve your problem then you can Reset Router settings and make sure to unplug Fire Stick from the HDMI port on the TV. Then, you have to turn the router on and after 20 seconds plug the device back into the TV. After that, simply turn on your TV and connect it with the Wi-Fi, it will surely resolve your problem.

But still, it does not work, then try connecting with another Wi-Fi network. You can also choose to connect with your mobile Hotspot. Then, go to the settings as you can access it and from there open the Network.

You will get a list of Wi-Fi networks available, check whether the Wi-Fi you are using is available or not. If you cannot see the name there, then you have to scroll down and select the See All Networks. There you will get the list of all the available Wi-Fi networks and press select.

After that, simply provide the password for that Wi-Fi, and then it will connect within a second. Once the Wi-Fi is successfully connected, then go to the Home Screen and wait a few seconds. Within a few seconds, you will get everything reapers on your screen which means the problem is solved.

DeRegister FireTV Stick:

Another solution to solve this problem is to DeRegister your Fire Stick and register again. You should know that this process will remove all the settings from your device and it makes it normal as it was before and it works 90%.

In order to DeRegister your Fire Stick, you have to follow these simple instructions below:

  • From your Home Screen, select the Settings option from the top menu. Otherwise, you can simply hold the Home button and wait for a few seconds and then choose Settings from the screen that appears.
  • Once you entered into the Settings, just move forward and at the end, you will get the My Account option. You just have to click on it to open it.
  • From there, you have to go to the Amazon Account option.
  • Then, from the next screen, you have to click on the DeRegister option.
  • Once you select the option, you will get a warning message. Simply ignore the message and click on the Deregister button.
  • After the device is successfully Deregistered, then simply unplug it from the socket and remove it from the HDMI port as well. You might have to wait a few seconds and then plug it back to the socket and insert the stick into the HDMI port and boot your device.

After you successfully boot your device, you have to connect the device with the Wi-Fi network. Then, simply sign in to your account.

Factory Reset Your Device:

If the deregistration does not work, then you can try to factory reset your Fire TV Stick device. You should know that this process will remove everything that you have downloaded on your device, including the apps, phones, media, account, etc. So, you have to follow this guide very carefully and always make sure to create a backup before performing this method.

You should only try this method if none of the above-mentioned methods are not working. In order to factory reset your FireTV Stick, you can follow these simple instructions below:

  • Firstly, press & hold the Home button for five seconds and click on the Settings option.
  • Then, you have to move to the right side and open the My FireTV option.
  • After that, you have to scroll down and click n the Reset to Factory Defaults option.
  • Then, you will get a warning message on your screen, click on the Reset button.
  • At the same time, the device will power off and when it turns on, it will become just like you buy it before. However, this process is not completed yet. You must have to set up this device again to use it normally.



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