Baskin Robbins Survey at

Participate in Baskin Robbins Guest Survey to Get $1 Off

Baskin Robbins invites their customers, who have recently visited Baskin Robbins to enjoy some delicious frozen treats and received a survey invitation, can participate in the TellBaskinRobbins survey and tell your experience. And receive $1 off your next purchase of $4 or more. The survey is brief and simple and takes only a few minutes to complete.


About Baskin Robbins:

World’s largest ice cream specialty chain, Baskin Robbins is originally an American cake and ice cream parlor with more than 7500 locations in more or less 50 countries of the world. The company is a subsidiary of Dunkin Brands and is based in Canton, Massachusetts. It was started by Jewish brothers-in-law Bart Baskin and Irv Robbins merged their respective ice cream parlors in 1945. Since then it has expanded and introduced a lot of flavors to the public. Baskin Robbins is the one to introduce us to ice cream cakes.


Requirements to Take TellBaskinRobbins Survey

  • Must visited a Baskin Robbins most recently.
  • Need a valid purchase receipt with a survey code.
  • Employees, immediate family members, or persons involved in the promotion cannot take the GiveBRtheScoop survey.
  • You have to complete the survey within 3 days mentioned of receiving your Baskin-Robbins Survey invitation.

How to Complete TellBaskinRobbins Online Survey

For taking the Baskin Robbins Customer Satisfaction Survey, you can follow the steps below:

  • Keep the receipt or the survey card handy.
  • Go to
  • Choose your preferred language to take the TellBaskin survey by selecting the respective link.
  • Enter the 18-digit survey code located in the middle of your receipt.


  • Click ‘Begin Survey’ to continue.
  • If your receipt does not have a survey code or you have a survey card click the provided link just above the Begin Survey button and enter the required information from that.




  • Answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
  • Provide the required details and submit the TellBaskinRobbins survey.
  • Once you will be done, a validation code is given to you.
  • Write down the code on the specific space provided on your original receipt.


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TellBaskin Guest Survey Rewards

After completion of the Baskin Robbins Survey, you will receive a validation code that can be used for $1 off on the next purchase of $4 or more at Baskin-Robbins.


Important Notes on Baskin Robbins Survey:

  • You must complete the TellBaskinRobbins Survey within 3 days of receiving the invitation receipt or the time mentioned on the receipt.
  • You must visit the same Baskin Robbins location which is mentioned on your receipt to redeem the offer.
  • Visit the location with the coded receipt before the offer expires.
  • The discount coupon cannot be used to purchase certain items.


Baskin Robbins Customer Service:

For any questions related to Baskin Robbins, you can contact the customer support department of the company from Monday to Friday 7 AM-7 PM.

Customer Support Phone Number: 800-859-5339

Mobile App and Gift Card Support: 888-729-2489


Reference Links:

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