www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment – Get Payment for IRS Stimulus Relief Check

irs stimulus check

How to Get Payment for IRS Stimulus Relief Check :

The IRS and U.S. Treasury have launched a new IRS website, where people who aren’t required to file taxes can go to input payment information to get their stimulus relief check. Any US citizen and resident alliance who have a valid social security number can apply for this program. The site will ask you for your payment information, your full name, mailing address, and email address.

The Third Round of Economic Impact Payments :

US Department of Treasury and the IRS have released state-by-state data of a total of 163.5 million EIPs totaling nearly $390 billion received by an individual through the American Rescuer Plan Act. With this round of payment IRS and BFS (Bureau of the Fiscal Service) have delivered more EIPs and more total direct relief than in any previous round of direct relief.

How to Get Payment for Third Economic Impact Payment :

You can find out when your third Economic Impact Payment is scheduled to be sent. You can also find out how they can send it with the Get My Payment application. You have to follow these simple steps below to get the payment:

IRS Stimulus Relief Check

  • Then on the next page, you have to click on the OK button to proceed further.
  • You have to provide your social security number or induvial tax identification number on the first field.
  • Then, provide your date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Then, you have to provide your Street Address in “123 Mail St NW #2” format. Do not include your City/Town or State.
  • In the last field, you have to provide your ZIP or Postal Code.
  • After entering all the necessary details, you have to click on the Continue button.
  • Then, simply follow the on-screen guideline to register for getting My Payment.

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Payment Schedule :

The third round of EIP (Economic Impact Payment) is being sent in phases. Every week they are sending the third round of Economic Impact Payments to eligible individuals as they continue to process tax returns. If you haven’t received your payment yet, that doesn’t mean you would not receive it.

You will receive your payment through direct deposit or mail as a check or debit card.

They are sending IRS Notice 1444-C to the people who have received a third Economic Impact Payment.

About First and Second Payment Status :

You will not get details of the first and second Economic Impact Payments in getting My Payment. To check the amounts of these payments, you have to visit this link www.irs.gov/payments/view-your-tax-account. You can also check notice 1444 for the first payment and 1444-B for the second payment. You will receive these notices by mail from IRS.

Reference Link :



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