Boiling Point Survey at

Take Boiling Point Survey for a Chance to Win a $25 Gift Card

Boiling Point always strives to be a better version of itself in service, food, quality, and atmosphere. That’s why you, the customers of Boiling Pot, are asked to take part in Boiling Point Customer Survey at and tell what you think about them. And as a thank you for filling out the survey, you will be entered for a chance to win a $25 reward.

The brief survey will not take much time to complete. You only need to answer all the questions you will be asked in the survey based on your most recent experience at Boiling Point so that the company gets to know what is working and what isn’t and provide you an excellent service.


Requirements for TellBP Online Survey

  • You must have a recent and valid Boiling Point
  • Must complete the survey within the given time.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age to take the survey.


How to Take Boiling Point Customer Survey

  • Visit the Boiling Point Official Survey page at
  • Provide your contact information i.e. Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
  • Choose the location you visited.
  • Enter the transaction number from the top left corner of your receipt.
  • Type the server name.
  • Indicate your age group.


Boiling point survey


  • Now start to fill out the survey by answering and rating different topics according to your knowledge and experience.
  • Leave any comments, questions or suggestions if you have any.
  • Click “Done” when you finish all the sections successfully.


Rewards of TellBP Survey

Upon completion of the Tell BP Survey, you will receive an opportunity to win a $25 Boiling Point Gift Card.

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About Boiling Point:

Boiling Point started its journey at Hacienda Hts, California in 2004 with 3 hot soups- House Special, Korean Kimchi, and Seafood Tofu. It opened its first international store in Canada in 2010. Currently, Boiling Point can be easily located in Southern California, Northern California, Washington and China. The menu of the restaurants varies in locations.


Boiling Point Customer Service:

Phone: 1 (888) 383 8325



Reference Links:

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